Shagira Fashion

# Make Baju Tenun Baduy

Tenun Baduy dibuat oleh para wanita masyarakat suku Baduy, Ciboleger, Desa Kanekes, kecamatan Leuwidamar Kabupaten Lebak Banten, Indonesia menggunakan alat Tenun yang dinamakan Gedogan.Proses produksi kain Tenun Baduy memakan waktu cukup lama, yaitu untuk lebar kain Tenun 1 x 2 meter membutuhkan waktu pengerjaan selama 2 minggu.Benang Tenun terbuat dari kapas dengan pewarna sintetis dan pewarna alam (terbuat dari daun dan kayu) yang aman bagi kesehatan.
Pewarna Sintetis menghasilkan warna warni yang Terang dan Pewarna Alam terbuat dari bahan Kulit Kayu, Daun tumbahan dan sebagainya sehingga menghasilkan warna warni yang lebih Soft.
Karena pembuatan Tenun masih tradisional, setiap Tenun tidak bisa sama warnanya dan ukuran yg persis sama, sehingga menghasilkan pakaian Ethnic, Exclusive, Fashionable, Limited edition, comfortable dan luxurious.Motif yang Khas diambil dari kehidupan Orang Baduy. Tenun Baduy memiliki 20 motif diantaranya ada Motif Adumancung, Motif Suat Songket, Motif Susuatan, Motif Poleng dan sebagainya. Setiap motif mencerminkan kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat Baduy yang terkenal bersehaja dan menjaga keseimbangan alam.Keunggulan Produk
✔︎ Ethnic
✔︎ Exclusive
✔︎ Fashionable
✔︎ Limited Edition
✔︎ Comfortable & Luxurious
Produk Kami Telah Dipakai oleh ( Reapet Order)
1. Bapak- bapak dan ibu Ibu anggota DPR- RI
2. Kel. Direktur Advocasi LPS, Komisaris LPS
3. Bpk Ferry Mursidan Baldan
4. Duta Besar Rusia, Duta Besar Belgia
5. Salah Satu Direktur BKPM pusat
6. Deputi Bank Indonesia
7. Dll
Produk Keluar
1. Rusia
2. New York
3. Singapore
4. Belgia
5. Bulgaria
Prestasi Shagira Fashion
1. 2019 Juara Pertama Design Pakaian dari Bahan Tenun Baduy Dekranasda Lebak Banten
2. 2020 Juara Pertama Design Pakaian dari Bahan Tenun Baduy Dinas Pariwisata Propinsi Banten
3. 2021 Juara ketiga Onboarding KKI Bank Indonesia
Fashion Show
1. Fashion Week Lebak 2021
2. BI KpW Banten
3. JFT 2021
4. Kementrian ART/BPN 2022
5. Pemilihan Abang None DKI 2022
6. Fesyar 2022
Ikuti Akun Media Sosial kami untuk mendapatkan informasi terkini mengenai produk Shagira Fashion.

Shagira Fashion

# Make Baju Tenun Baduy

Baduy weaving is made by women from the Baduy community, Ciboleger, Kanekes Village, Leuwidamar sub-district, Lebak Regency, Banten Province Indonesia using a weaving tool called Gedogan.The production process of Baduy woven fabric takes quite a long time, for 1 x 2 meter width of woven fabric it takes 2 weeks to work.Weaving yarn is made of cotton with synthetic dyes and natural dyes (made from leaves and wood) which are safe for health.
Synthetic dyes produce bright colors and natural dyes are made from bark, additional leaves and so on so as to produce softer colors.
Because weaving is still traditional, each weaving cannot be of the same color and the exact same size, resulting in Ethnic, Exclusive, Fashionable, Limited edition, comfortable and luxurious clothes.Typical motifs are taken from the life of the Baduy. Baduy weaving has 20 motifs including the Adumuncung motif, the Suat Songket motif, the Susuatan motif, the Poleng motif and so on. Each motif reflects the daily life of the Baduy people who are famous for being simple and maintaining the balance of nature.Product excellence
✔︎ Ethnic
✔︎ Exclusive
✔︎ Fashionable
✔︎ Limited Edition
✔︎ Comfortable & Luxurious
Our products have been used by (Reapet Order)
1. Members of the People's Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia
2. Family of Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) Advocacy Director and Commissioner
3. Mr. Ferry Mursidan Baldan
4. Ambassador of Russia, Ambassador of Belgium
5. One of the directors of the central Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board
6. Deputy of Bank Indonesia
7. Etc
Product Out
1. Russia
2. New York
3. Singapore
4. Belgium
5. Bulgaria
Shagira Fashion Achievement
1. 2019 1st Winner of Clothing Design from Baduy Weaving Material Dekranasda Lebak Banten
2. 2020 1st Winner of Clothing Design from Baduy Woven Materials, Banten Province Tourism Office
3. 2021 3rd Place KKI Bank Indonesia Onboarding
Fashion Show
1. Lebak Fashion Week 2021
2. BI KpW Banten
3. JFT 2021
4. Ministry of ART/BPN 2022
5. Election of Abang None DKI 2022
6. Fesyar 2022
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